Blissful Sleep 0.2.3 : A walk in the park

So what's new?

  • You can start your Friendship with Doctor Warder. The events 1, 2 and 3 are available.
  • The third dream is now available, where you can find some furry friends and other wilder succubi.
  • Small change, but you can now see how many points you have for each relationship. The percentage next to it was only the bonus, it's now made clearer.
  • The Waitress now has scenes involving the other patrons.
  • Some bugfixes :
    • Fixed the merchant crash when she sold an ability with a counter.
    • In certain conditions, Melody's events would stop triggering due to some bad code, now removed.
  • Other small changes that might or might not create bugs themselves...


Blissful Sleep 0.2.3 Web Play in browser
Sep 21, 2023
Blissful Sleep 0.2.3 PC/Linux 123 MB
Sep 21, 2023
Blissful Sleep 0.2.3 Mac 118 MB
Sep 21, 2023
Blissful Sleep 0.2.3 Android 131 MB
Sep 21, 2023

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Huzzah! New update wooooo <3